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Creating A Functional Board
Directors and governing bodies are expected to be responsible and accountable—and operate with a greater degree of transparency than ever before. With private citizens, shareholders, stakeholders, and other key groups more vocal in calling for effective governance, board members in all sectors need to be familiar with the basics to meet legal and fiduciary obligations.
Creating A Functional Board includes chapters on theory, general guidance, and solutions to boardroom management and conflict issues. Author Brenda Kelleher-Flight is the founder of GDP Consulting and a leader in the field in the Atlantic Region and Canada for 15 years, and now expanding into the US from an office near Chicago.
She is the creator of The Decision Making Model of Governance, one of only two fully developed models available, and the author of The Productive Boardroom.
Creating A Functional Board is excellent for aspiring and veteran directors—. “I would like all directors to read this book because the opposite of functional is a dysfunctional board. Not living up to expectations may have a long term impact on your organization, as well as your own future.” Brenda Kelleher-Flight
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