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The Toxic Boss
They might be grumpy, bullies, credit takers, finger pointers, or complainers—a toxic boss can ruin not only your work day but your career.

Dealing with the bully in the workplace
Brenda Kelleher-Flight, the developer of The Decision Making Model of Governance, which helps ensure many boardrooms operate effectively and meet their legal and fiduciary obligations and stakeholder expectations, is also an expert in conflict resolution

Don't work for nothing
If you say yes when you should be saying no—when your clients don't have the budget for what they want you to do for them, but you do it anyway—read these tips.

Link File: How to take the credit when it's due
Some people simply can't stop talking about what a great job they're doing—even when they're not.

17 Tips for Email Etiquette
Avoid behaving badly in emails because you never know how far your email will reach.

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Follow GabbyMag to keep up with news to gab about and share—biz and success tips, and good things to know.

Fashion-excitement? There's always Vogue College in London...
Because we love Vogue—and London is thrilling, see the Condé Nast courses if fashion is your passion. They're not cheap—but clearly worth breaking open the piggy bank.

Financial and Marital Bliss
Following your dreams down the aisle is an exciting and monumental milestone in your life.

The Business Diaries
A Fashion Story “I was in Buenos Aires and i was transfixed,†says Virginia Lato, the founder of Yes Virginia, designer and importer of upscale fashions, including leathers to dream about, bags, shoes, and even jewels, to a highend ma

Fashion Biz
Educators and institutions, professional associations and groups are encouraged to spread the word!

On Think and Grow Rich
Who are the richest people in the world? Bill Gates’ net worth is 77.9 billion. In second place is Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helu at 70.7 billion. So what's the secret to moving up the ranks?

Startups, & Techie Stuff
Tips that might help your business/small or other, or to view and see what everyone else is doing.

Launch Diaries
“Life isn't all champagne bubbles and cupcakes... but the pace is picking up and the launch(es) seem a distant memory,†says Susan Sparkes, who had two visions and missions on her mind and launched both shortly after her return to her roots.
GabbyMag Awards
Entrepreneur of the Month Award: If you're a do-er, creator, designer, producer, online developer, salon or spa owner, a B&B mom with paying guests, or whatever... and people like what you do, perhaps a pat on the back is in order— you can enter ot

Business Exposure
Getting it We've been running companies, launching products, and know what it takes to run a business from the bottom up in three countries. We've worked alone, as part of a team, and in charge of teams. We get it.

Be Exposed
Opps for Newbies—New to business? If you're a do-er or creator/maker, whether you do fashion or flowers, gardens or furniture, bikes or cakes, inspire us with your story to obtain instant visibility.

Get Noticed
Your ability to reach the top in your profession may have nothing to do with how good you are at your job. it's never too late to make the right impression—for individuals and companies.